It has been 3 years and I did not update the posts for the remaining days of my trip. I can only remembered…., I was holidaying mood and relaxing lazy once I return back to Singapore, and the routine work just ain’t making the writing work. Majority of my posts here are written on the day of the trip. Hence after […]

Day 6 : Climbing Mount Hallasan

The watch, iphone, imac alarm all rings at 5.15am. Yes, it’s been long time since I got to wake up this early so I need all 3 alarms to snooze me. Today I am going to embark on my FIRST-SOLO-REAL-MOUNTAIN-HIKING-ATTEMPT-TO THE PEAK. Haha, why I mentioned real. Cos in Singapore the highest we have is Bukit […]

Hiking after Templestay

I was actually looking forward to my first hike in Korea under the templestay program. But it was cancelled as coordinator mentioned the ground were icy and slippery. However, me and 3 other foreigner templestay mates (Kelvin, Stephanie and Emily) decided to attempt a hike to the “peak”. Packing our belongings and got it temporary […]